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Přihlášení na Parcon’18 !

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Cena konferenčního poplatku (vstup na akci)                              260 Kč.

Cena ubytování                                                                             230 Kč /noc


Pátek večeře                                                                                95 Kč

Sobota oběd                                                                                90 Kč

Sobota večeře                                                                              95 Kč


Z důvodů přednostního naplnění ubytovacích kapacit (které jsou v současné chvíli omezené) a poskytnutí možnosti předem objednaného stravování, je registrace, objednání ubytování a stravy rozděleno na dvě etapy.

A to:       1)            do 30. 04. 2018


               2)            po 30. 04. 2018



V prvním termínu je možno se registrovat a zaplatit konferenční poplatek 260 Kč, eventuálně tričko za 185 (200 Kč) Kč, bez ubytování a stravy. Případné požadavky na noclehy a stravu si doobjednáte později v druhé etapě.

Anebo si objednat celý balíček včetně konferenčního poplatku, ubytování a stravy na celý con za 1000 Kč, ve kterém je zahrnuta páteční večere, sobotní oběd a večeře. Plus tričko …


V druhém termínu po 30. 04. 2018 budou uvolněny všechny možnosti registrace, ubytování a stravy dle požadavků účastníků. Tzn. po jednotlivých dnech a typech (internát, tělocvična ve spacáku, případně stan na louce), výběr stravy a trička.


V případě problémů s registrací, dotazů a speciálních požadavků, kontaktujte nás na mailech : nebo

A také budeme pomáhat s pořízením třeba i vlakových a autobusových jízdenek do Bílovce (podle hesla – ve větším množství slevička)

Welcome to Bílovec

Bílovec 8.3. to 8.5. 2018
Motto – Bez překladu to nejde / Canʼt go without translation

PARCON has 36 years long tradition, being first held in Pardubice 1982. The convention of friends of science-fiction, fantasy, and horror has always been a chance for information exchange, discussions, and horizon-broadening not only of fans, but also of general public, for whom accompanyning events has always been organized. The genre has one singular power to shape possible pictures of our future, based on stipulated, real information and itʼs processing and interpolation.
As Czech literary world has itʼs limits, it was always necessary to seek information in the bigger world, to acquire news from literature, film, and music scene beyond our borders. Here we come to the explanation of our motto – all this could not be possible without translation. Therefore, 37th PARCON will be held in the spirit of translations, translators, people with close ties with literature, film, and other media.
Programme is planned in two directions, sometimes intertwined; professional, and also accompanyning events fully open to the general public.
Among guests there will be well-known writer Andrzej Sapkowski with his translator Standa Komárek, Jarek Nohavica, not as a musician, but as author of translation of Mozart operas, and also singing poets Bulat Okudžava, and Vladimir Vysockij. Ondřej Neff, writer and translator, without whom such an event would be incomplete. His Excellency Jaroslav Olša, Jr, Czech ambassador to the Philippines, one of the founding fathers of PARCON, in his capacity as Orientalis will introduce Far East fantasy works.
Representatives of Polish publishing house Fabryka Słów will come, publishing (and translating) famous Czech writer, nuclear physicist and other of our guests, Miroslav Žamboch, born in nearby Kopřivnice and alumnus of Gymnázium Mikoláše Koperníka in Bílovec.
There will be concerts fully open for general public, with Vladivojna La Chia with her partners, cellist Terezie Kovalová (performing couple of times in Bílovec), and quitar player and singer Aleš Bajger. Musical Group Forma, famed for their work on films like Eroticon, Metropolis, or La planète sauvage, should add interesting view on alternative musical accompaniment for films.
Puppet theatre is prepared for children and we are holding talks on performance for adults as well.
Live game of chess is planned on the chessboard at the square, with Star Wars characters as chessmen. Modelmaking club from Poland will exhibit the works inspired by Star Wars saga, and, for the first time in Czech Republic, recreate scenes from alien pub Mos Eisley Cantina from Cantina Project.
We would like to organize thematic exhibition of drawings and paitings and also models made by children from regional Children Art Schools, in the Bílovec church tower. Longer-term exhibition of SF and Czechoslovak Fandom history is to be set up at the Bílovec castle, culminating during PARCON.
Organizers are: Klub literární fantastiky v Ostravě, aready organizing two PARCONs at Ostrava (1988, 1992), and as representative of Czech, Moravain, and Slovakian clubs co-organized European convention EUROCON – TRICON in 2010 at Těšín/Český Těšín.